Swim Spas

High Performanve

4 Air-Injected VIP Jets

Adjustable Speed

Trainer 19 Swim Spa
TWO BODIES OF WATER, TWO DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Enjoy a swim and the full-body effects of aquatic exercise with water set to a personal comfort zone in the 80s. On the other side, settle into the hot tub with the temperature set up to 104°. This full-size hydrotherapy hot tub has 31 jets, ergonomic seating, and was designed to give your mind, body, and spirit a thorough rejuvenation. Say good-bye to the tensions, aches, and stresses of the day. The Trainer 19 D is more than a sensation; it’s your solution.
Dimensions: 231″ x 94″ x 60″
Water Capacity: 2,055 Gallons
Weight Dry/Full: 2,950 lbs. / 21,385 lbs.
Propulsion System: Airless VIP Technology
Power Requirement: 100 Amp System
Pumps: 4
Stainless Steel Jets: 48 (Incl. 4 VIP Jets, and 1 Master Blaster®)
Water Features: 5
Ozone System: Standard
Filtration: EcoPur® Charge
LED Lights: Waterline
Shell Colors

Sterling Silver Marble

Skirting Options
DuraMaster™ Premium Skirting (standard)

Graphite Grey

Standard Features
H2X Fitness Swim Spas are built with premium features that come standard for the best in exercise and relaxation
VIP Technology
Master Blaster®
StressRelief Neck and Shoulder Seat™
Master Force™ Bio-Magnetic Therapy System
H2Xercise™ Fitness System
Xtreme Therapy Cove
EcoPur® Charge Water Purification
Energy Efficient