Pool Care Products

Trouble Shooters
Our fastest acting and most concentrated liquid flocculant for swimming pool water. Water clarifiers added to speed up the time between cloudy and clear.
Concentrated liquid floccing agent, contains no alum
Fast acting
Compatible with all sanitizers
Safe for all pool types and surfaces
Drops small particles suspended in water to the bottom of the pool so they may be vacuumed to waste
Works faster the more cloudy the water is
Restores water clarity
Reduces Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in pool water
Adjust pool pH. Performance decreases when pH is low (< 7.2)
Run filter in recirculate. Adde 8 ounces per 10,000 gallons of pool water direct to skimmer. Double dose for severely cloudy pools.
Discontinue pump use after 1 – 4 hours; Keep water still! Do not swim or allow pump to start for 24 hours
Once suspended particles fall to the bottom of pool, slowly vacuum pool
Additional settling will occur for the next 48-72 hours after initial application
Available Sizess
1 qt. bottle (12 per case)