Pool Care Products

Trouble Shooters
Metal Magic Spot Chalk
Remove tough spot stains like magic!
Apply directly onto problem areas to r
Two chalk pucks in each container
Unused chalk puck can be dried and re-used
Removes stains created by metals and organics regardless of their source
This product is safe for all hard surfaces, including plaster, vinyl, tile, concrete and fiberglass.
Test Spot Chalk in an inconspicuous area first.
STAINS BELOW WATER: Wearing gloves, gently rub Spot Chalk directly onto the surface stain
Most stains will dissipate shortly after contact. If needed, use a nylon brush or similar non-abrasive pad to help lift stains.
ALTERNATIVE: Place Spot Chalk directly onto the stain but for no more than 5 minutes at a time, checking stain occasionally.
Older and difficult stains may need to be treated with a sequestering agent prior to use.
A sequestering agent should be used after removal of stains to prevent stains from reappearing.
STAINS ABOVE WATER: Apply a small amount of water onto area being treated and gently rub Spot Chalk onto wetted stain
Available Sizess
18 oz. (Two 9 oz. tablets)